| | IOtech 開發、製造和銷售基於 PC 的數據採集 (DAQ) 儀器和解決方案,適用於溫度、應變、振動等。
IOtech公司的主要產品有:振動和溫度測量儀器、應變測量儀器、資料擷取儀器、熱電偶、感測器等各類測量儀器產品。其產品主要應用於製冷、船舶、電力、鋼鐵、石化、環保、冶金、機械、煙草、制藥、建築 、石油、石化、軍事等行業。本公司提供專業的技術服務與合理的報價,費用低!交貨快。歡迎來電聯繫。 IOtech在工業上的應用 振動分析的應用 Vibration Measurement and Analysis Solutions (振動量測與分析解決方案) Machine Balancing Vibration Analysis Solutions (機械振動平衡分析解決方案) NVH (Noise, Vibration, Harshness) Solutions (NVH (噪音, 震動, 嚴苛環境) 解決方案) NDT - Resonance Inspection - Vibration Analysis Solutions (無損檢測-共振檢查-振動分析解決方案) Rotating Machine Transient and Monitoring Solutions (旋轉機械瞬態和監控解決方案) 資料擷取的應用 Strain Gage and Mixed Signal (應變儀和混合信號) Rack and Laboratory Solutions (機架式及實驗室解決方案) Stand-Alone Data Loggers (獨立的數據記錄儀) Strain Measurement Data Acquisition Solutions (應變測量資料擷取解決方案) Temperature Measurement Data Acquisition Solutions (溫度量測資料擷取解決方案) Portable USB Data Acquisition Solutions (可攜式USB資料擷取解決方案) 軟體
eZ-Series Software Vibration & Acoustic Analysis, Rotating Machine Monitoring, & Machine Balancing Software eZ-系列軟體 振動和聲學分析,旋轉機械監測,機械平衡軟件 DASYLab-Series Icon-Based Data Acquisition, Graphics, Control, and Analysis Software DASYLab系列 圖控軟體為基礎的資料擷取, 圖形介面, 控制介面及分析軟體 Encore Included Out-of-the-Box Software for the 6000 Series Voltage and Strain Measurement Modules 6000系列 內建電壓和壓力量測軟體模組 DaqView Included Out-of-the-Box Spreadsheet-Style Setup, Data Acquisition, and Display Software for IOtech's Daq Series products and Personal Daq/3000 Series IOtech's Daq系列及Personal Daq/3000系列 內建試算表式安裝,資料擷取和顯示軟體 WaveView Included Out-of-the-Box Data Acquisition Software for the WaveBook/516E and StrainBook/616 WaveBook/516E 和 StrainBook/616 內建資料擷取軟體 Personal DaqView Included Out-of-the-Box Spreadsheet-Style Setup, Data Acquisition, and Display Software for the Personal Daq/50 Series Personal Daq/50系列 內建試算表式安裝,資料擷取和顯示軟體 ChartView Included Out-of-the-Box Data Acquisition Software for ChartScan/1400, TempScan/1100 and MultiScan/1200 ChartScan/1400, TempScan/1100 和 MultiScan/1200 內建資料擷取軟體 LogView Included Out-of-the-Box Data Acquisition and Display Software for the LogBook Series LogBook系列 內建資料擷取和顯示軟體 PostView Time and Frequency Domain Post-Acquisition Software included with IOtech Out-of-the-Box Software Packages IOtech提供時域和頻域事後分析軟體 DaqCOM Included Out-of-the-Box ActiveX/COM-Based Applications Program Interface for IOtech's Daq Series products and WaveBook/516E IOtech's Daq系列及WaveBook/516E 內建ActiveX/COM應用程式介面 硬體
600 Series - NEW Dynamic Signal Analyzers Targeted for NVH (Noise, Vibration, Harshness) (噪音, 震動, 嚴苛環境) 6000 Series - NEW Vibration and Strain Measurement Modules (振動和應變測量模組) DaqBook/2000 Series - Ethernet-Based Systems for Various Sensor Types (Ethernet DAQ) DaqLab/2000 Series - Ethernet-Based Bench-Top Systems (Ethernet實驗室) DaqScan/2000 Series - Ethernet-Based Rack Mount Systems ( Ethernet機架式) DaqOEM Series - Board-Level Ethernet-Based Data Acquisition for OEM (OEM) DaqTemp - PCI Thermocouple Multifunction Data Acquisition Board (熱點偶) LogBook Series - Stand-Alone Intelligent PC-Based DAQ Systems (獨立式電腦智能資料擷取系統) Personal Daq/50 Series - USB High-Resolution Data Acquisition Modules (USB 高解析度) Personal Daq/3000 Series - USB 1MHz, 16Bit Multifunction DAQ Modules (USB 多功能資料擷取模組) Strainbook/616 - Ethernet-Based Strain Gage Measurement System (Ethernet應變儀量測系統) WaveBook/516E - Ethernet-Based Portable High-Speed Waveform DAQ (可攜式高速波形資料擷取系統) ZonicBook/618E - High-Channel Vibration Analysis & Monitoring System (高速振動分析與監控系統) ChartScan/1400 - Voltage and Temperature Recorder ( 電壓與溫度記錄器) MultiScan/1200 - High-Channel Isolated Temperature & Voltage System (絕緣式溫度與電壓量測) TempScan/1100 - High-Channel Temperature & Voltage System (高速多通道溫度與電壓量測系統) IEEE Products - IEEE 488 (GPIB) Interfaces, Controllers, & Instruments ((GPIB) 介面, 控制器, & 儀器)
Featured White Papers: (精選白皮書) | - Making Basic Strain Measurements using 24-Bit IOtech Hardware (壓力量測)
Learn about the basic principle of operation of strain gages, the various ways in which they may be connected, and the requirements of their signal conditioners to reduce susceptibility to noise that can contaminate their low-level output signals. - Induction Motor Testing and Evaluation (馬達測試與評估介紹)
DASYLab® allows the user to configure customized software applications combining multiple input signal types and sources. Combining MCSA with standard vibration analysis techniques, and utilizing DASYLab’s Electrical Characteristics Module provides a complete view of over-all motor performance and health.
Featured Application Notes: (精選應用筆記) | - Bridge Crane Testing (橋式起重機測試)
IOtech's high-speed ZonicBook/618E allowed the capture of high-speed, transient data on multiple inputs to accurately predict wheel assembly failures. - Liquid Air-Separation Compressor Testing (液體空氣分離壓縮機測試)
IOtech's 600 Series DSA was used to obtain waveform and spectra data in testing centrifugal compressors which operate at extremely high speeds. - Microturbine Testing (微型微型燃氣輪機測試)
IOtech ZonicBooks were selected over another stand-alone system for microturbine testing because of its ability to measure turbine speed over 60,000 rpm.
| Aerospace/Avionics/Aviation Applications (航天/航空電子/航空應用) | - Jet Engine Testing (噴射引擎測試)
The MiniLab™ Gas Turbine Power System, specifically intended for universities and technical institutes around the world contains an embedded IOtech Personal Daq data acquisition system and is being used both as a teaching tool and as a test stand for numerous research projects. - Military Aircraft Modal Testing (軍用飛機模態測試)
Structural and dynamics engineers use IOtech's ZonicBooks to perform modal tests on US Military aircraft before and after installing rocket launchers and similar gear to ensure that the craft's flight dynamics continuously meet specifications. - Ballistic Ejection Seat Testing (彈道測試彈射座椅)
IOtech's WaveBook measures acceleration, pressures, and forces in ballistic-driven mechanisms and rocket motors used on pilot ejection seats. - Aerospace Rocket Engine Testing (航天火箭發動機試驗)
A LogBook/300 measures critical rocket engine temperatures on SpaceShipOne during development, and IOtech's Remote Operation Display provides the pilot with real-time readings during flight. - Exercise Machine Monitoring (運動機械監測)
IOtech Personal Daq data acquisition systems gather in-flight data from NASA Johnson Space Center's new Advanced Resistive Exerciser Device aboard the orbiting space station. - Diesel Aircraft Engine Testing (柴油發動機測試)
IOtech's Personal Daq data acquisition system tests new experimental diesel engines for personal aircraft. - Optical Fiber Testing (光纖測試)
Dynamic testing with IOtech's WaveBook outperforms dedicated optical amplifier testers and costs one-fifth as much. - Wind Tunnel Rotor Blade Testing (旋翼風洞試驗)
Turbine compressor blades for wind tunnel testing are statically balanced using IOtech's DaqBook. - Space Simulator Chamber (室內空間模擬器)
The TempScan monitors liquid nitrogen levels and cryogenic and bake-out temperatures in a space simulator vacuum chamber. - Solid-Propellant Missile Testing (固體推進劑導彈試驗)
Rocket scientists monitor the effects of stress on instrumentation during missile test launches into orbit. - Aircraft Field Service (飛機領域服務)
Aircraft operators use portable PC-based data acquisition systems to troubleshoot electrical problems. - Atmospheric Research (大氣研究)
A NASA laboratory employs a notebook-PC-based data acquisition system for atmospheric research, reducing size, weight, and cost while increasing performance.
| Automotive Applications (汽車應用) | - Hole Gauging System (孔測量系統)
An automotive small parts supplier is using an IOtech DaqBoard/2000 data acquisition system to measure hole size and location parameters in die cast engine mounting brackets. - Automotive Brake Testing (汽車制動試驗)
IOtech's WaveBook dramatically cut costs on dynamic brake tests for warranty returns. - Hydraulic Motor Testing (液壓馬達測試)
Eaton's hydraulic motors are audited and reliability tested with IOtech DaqBooks before leaving the production line. - Load Cell & Vehicle Jack Testing (稱重傳感器及車輛千斤頂測試)
IOtech's DaqBook measures load, torque, and displacement on an automobile jack to verify that it complies with its capacity ratings and safety requirements. - Timing Chain Testing (時規鍊條測試)
A WaveBook records and analyzes critical data during the validation and life testing of automobile timing-chain systems. - Hydraulic Component Testing (液壓元件測試)
Hydraulic components for off-road vehicles have a better life when IOtech WaveBooks monitor their durability tests. - Automobile Torque Converter Testing (汽車液力變矩器測試)
WaveBooks help characterize high-performance cars as well as fuel-efficient commuters for achieving optimal durability and drivability. - Automatic Transmission Testing (自動變速器測試)
WaveBooks provide the shift test data needed to assign realistic engineering units to otherwise subjective vehicle-handling performance parameters. - Off-Highway/Utility Engine Testing (引擎測試)
LogBook/360 fine-tunes Kawasaki's small gasoline engines for tractors and mowers providing mobility and data with the accuracy and dynamic range essential for successful tests. - Electric Window Testing (電動車窗測試)
The DaqBoard/2000 eliminates the "aperture of uncertainty" in a PC cell controller during manufacturing and safety testing of electric motor-driven automobile windows. - Military Vehicle Body Mount Testing (軍用車輛車身座測試)
Military vehicles run over wild terrain while engineers measure and record engine mount performance in real time with IOtech's WaveBook – conveniently powered from the on-board 12 VDC supply. - Vehicle Noise, Vibration, and Harshness Testing (車輛噪音,震動和嚴苛環境測試)
New production vehicles that don't meet QA's noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) standards immediately loop back through the test lab and connect to IOtech's WaveBook data acquisition systems for analysis. - Vehicle Transmission and Brake Testing (車輛傳動和制動試驗)
A company that designs and builds precision test machines and vehicle test systems for major auto makers and automotive component manufacturers, chose the WaveBook due to its modularity, software compatibility, and easy integration. - Turbocharger Testing (渦輪增壓器試驗)
Researchers needed a PC-based data acquisition system to monitor, record, and analyze their supercharger's performance. - In-Vehicle Temperature Testing (車內溫度測試)
An automaker tests engine temperatures under extreme operating conditions. - Vehicle Crash Testing (汽車碰撞測試)
An airbag manufacturer tests its products with a sturdy, stand-alone data acquisition system. - Truck Turbocharger Testing (汽車渦輪增壓器試驗)
Engineers testing diesel engines used a DaqBook and 20 transducers to measure turbo charger performance data. - Military Vehicle Off-Road Testing (軍用車輛越野測試)
Automotive engineers monitor the effects of extreme off-road environments on a military vehicle using the IOtech WaveBook. - Electric Car Battery Testing (電動車電池測試)
An electric utility company evaluates attempts at improving an electric vehicle's operating efficiency using IOtech's DaqBook. - Airbag Testing (安全氣囊測試)
A manufacturer of airbag ignitors uses the WaveBook to examine the ignitor's response time and trigger detection mechanism during the unit's design and test phase. - In-Vehicle Brake Testing on Trucks (卡車內部制動測試)
An original-equipment manufacturer of truck braking systems uses the WaveBook to verify lab tests in the field. - In-Vehicle Seat Suspension Testing (車內座椅懸架測試)
Engineers choose IOtech's DaqBook to develop a seat suspension system for maximizing comfort and safety in heavy-duty construction equipment.
| Battery Industry Applications (電池工業應用) | - Battery Monitoring (電池監控)
Battery-test engineers automate their battery testing process without encountering the problems typically associated with integrating multiple discrete instruments.
| Biomedical and Medical Applications (生物醫學應用) | - Chiropractic Alignment Tool Testing (捏脊對準工具測試)
IOtech's DaqBook measures and records thrust force pulses produced by a Chiropractor's impact tool, which treats joint displacements and stimulates muscle tissues. - Prototype Wheelchair Testing (輪椅測試樣機)
IOtech's DaqBook data acquisition systems let designers certify durability and reliability tests on wheelchairs and scooters for people with disabilities. - Biomechanical Impact Testing (生物力學衝擊試驗)
IOtech's LogBook measures force, strain and acceleration of racehorse's hooves to help owners and trainers prevent common equine injuries. - Hearing Implant Research (聽覺植入體研究)
Specialty hearing aid designed with PC-based data acquisition system can help people with severe deafness.
| Energy Applications (能源應用) | - Microturbine Testing (微型測試)
IOtech ZonicBooks were selected over another stand-alone system for microturbine testing because of its ability to measure turbine speed over 60,000 rpm. - Nuclear Pump Bearing Testing (核泵軸承試驗)
EME Associates designed and built a novel simulator for testing nuclear pump bearings and integrated an IOtech ZonicBook in the control panel to record vibrations and shut down the pump motor in the event of excessive temperature, speed, or vibration. - Generator Shaft Stress Testing (發電機軸應力測試)
The Army Corps of Engineers maintains about 75 hydro generators around the country to ensure their safety and longevity. Recently, it purchased an IOtech LogBook to measure generator shaft stresses and bending moments. - Power-Grid Balance Testing (電網平衡測試)
IOtech's WaveBook collects the critical data that systems analysts need to create accurate models and simulators to ensure safe and reliable power-generating systems. - Transient Voltage Measurements (瞬態電壓測量)
Motor current transient at the Sizewell Nuclear Power Plant in Great Britain are measured, monitored, and analyzed with an IOtech WaveBook. - Turbine Generator Vibration Testing (汽輪機發電機組振動測試)
Finite Element Models of MW generators are fine tuned with vibration tests in the lab. - Remote Turbine Vibration Monitoring (遠程汽輪機振動監測)
IOtech's ZonicBook used to capture generator and exciter vibration signals on a gas-turbine-powered machine. - HVAC Energy Efficiency Testing (空調節能測試)
A lab depends on IOtech LogBook/360 data acquisition systems to measure temperatures to better than one degree F, as well as relative humidity, airflow, speed or rpm, and compressor pressure. - Hydroelectric Generator Maintenance (水電站發電機組檢修)
Hydroelectric generators keep humming with the help of IOtech's ZonicBooks that detect vibrations in worn or unstable turbine shaft bearings long before they are serious enough to cause catastrophic failures. - Oil and Gas Well Drill Monitoring (石油和天然氣井鑽監測)
An energy service firm uses a PC-based data acquisition system to monitor and analyze underground detonations.
| Field Service Applications (領域服務應用) | - Paper Mill Equipment Field Service (造紙廠設備在地服務)
A data acquisition package small enough to fit into the overhead compartment of a jetliner is used to improve field service in the paper industry.
| IEEE 488 Applications (IEEE 488 應用) | - IEEE 488 Troubleshooting (解決方案)
To efficiently diagnose, troubleshoot and verify IEEE 488 systems, you should first have some basic knowledge of the IEEE bus. This note contains a brief IEEE tutorial followed by troubleshooting techniques.
| Industrial Applications (工業應用) | - Bridge Crane Testing (橋式起重機測試)
IOtech's high-speed ZonicBook/618E allowed the capture of high-speed, transient data on multiple inputs to accurately predict wheel assembly failures. - Liquid Air-Separation Compressor Testing (液體空氣分離壓縮機測試)
IOtech's 600 Series DSA was used to obtain waveform and spectra data in testing centrifugal compressors which operate at extremely high speeds. - Compressor Testing (壓縮機測試)
Using IOtech's ZonicBook, vibration testing and 3D animation exonerates a suspected failure source. - Pyrotechnics Device Testing (煙火器件測試)
IOtech's WaveBook data acquisition system is used by a manufacturer to acquire critical information during the testing of pyrotechnic devices. - Refrigeration Compressor Testing (製冷壓縮機測試)
IOtech's ZonicBook detects insufficient coolant flow in a refrigeration compressor for a pharmaceutical chill room. - Slurry Pump Development (漿料泵開發)
IOtech's DaqBook measures and records critical heat-treating and cool-down temperatures of gigantic slurry pump castings during manufacturing and product development. - Steam Turbine Rotor Testing (汽輪機轉子測試)
Watson Engineering, Inc., uses an IOtech ZonicBook to troubleshoot large turbine and compressor problems that originate from unbalanced rotors and bearing problems. - Gearbox Testing (變速箱測試)
IOtech's ZonicBook monitors the vibration profile of giant gearboxes for mixers used in chemical processing plants to prevent costly failures and avoid downtime. - Extrusion Machine Testing (擠出機測試)
DaqBook helps extrusion machine specialists reduce dead-cycle time and increase aluminum billet throughput. - Slip Ring Testing (滑環試驗)
DaqBoard/2000 plug-and-play board for PCI bus computers provides both data acquisition and motor control for testing slip rings. - Material Characterization Tester (材料特性測試儀)
A universal mechanical strength tester uses a data acquisition DaqBoard/2000 in a computer-operated test system for evaluating all forms of adhesion, microelectronic wafer interconnects, material characterization, and QC tests. - Pharmaceutical Control Testing (製藥控制測試)
Process control engineers at a pharmaceutical company selected a portable, PC-based digitizer as the primary production line monitoring tool for the startup, optimization, and maintenance of a new production line process. - Conveyor Field Service (輸送機領域服務)
A producer of custom conveyors and cam-driven parts-handling systems uses a portable, PC-based digitizer to identify excessive mechanical vibration sources at customer sites upon installation. - Injection-Molding Testing (注塑測試)
WaveBook replaces DSO used for plastic injection mold machinery test diagnostics. - Surface Grinder Monitor (平面磨床監視器)
A manufacturer of ceramic wheels for precision surface grinders uses the WaveBook to monitor vibration, breaking force, and acoustic emission on multiple units in an industrial environment.
| Machine Design Applications (機械設計應用) | - Rotating-Shaft Bearing Testing (旋轉軸軸承試驗)
IOtech's DaqBook's modularity, accuracy, portability, and open software features give users the flexibility needed to measure a wide range of vibrations in machinery. - Machine Shock & Vibration Testing (機械衝擊及振動測試)
Optimized support frames isolate sensitive machines from shock and vibration.
| Manufacturing Applications (製造應用) | - Refrigerator Testing (電冰箱測試)
IOtech's DaqScan is used in revealing extraordinary or sinister anomalies that might get past the day-to-day quality assurance procedures. - Steel Mill Monitoring and Vibration Testing (鋼廠監測和振動試驗)
IOtech's ZonicBook measures vibration on cold and hot-strip rolling mills and uses eZ-Analyst software with FFT and waterfall presentations to solve problems. - Ceramic Kiln Temperature Testing (陶瓷窯爐溫度測試)
A leading US kiln manufacturer, uses IOtech's Personal Daq for measuring internal kiln temperatures to ensure uniform heat distribution. - Glass Production Testing (玻璃生產測試)
To detect equipment malfunctions and to minimize scrap, a leading glass-products manufacturer installs a PC-based data acquisition system.
| Materials Development and Testing Applications (材料開發和測試應用) | - Materials and Component Failure Testing (材料和組件故障測試)
A testing lab for bicycle frames and components, currently uses an IOtech DaqBoard for verifying that new products meet specifications and government regulations. - Liquid Chromatography Polymer Testing (液相色譜聚合物測試)
DaqBooks monitor the output signals of liquid chromatographs to determine molecular weight distributions of new polymers developed in the research lab.
| Military Applications (軍事上的應用) | - Military Vehicle Body Mount Testing (軍用車輛車身座測試)
Military vehicles run over wild terrain while engineers measure and record engine mount performance in real time with IOtech's WaveBook – conveniently powered from the on-board 12 VDC supply. - Military Vehicle Off-Road Testing (軍用車輛越野測試)
Automotive engineers monitor the effects of off-road driving on a military vehicle. - Explosive Ordnance Testing (爆炸物檢測)
Engineers at an explosive ordnance test site validate the effectiveness of earthen protective structures with the WaveBook/512.
| Petrochemical Applications (石油化工應用) | - Compressor and Turbine Vibration Testing (壓縮機和汽輪機振動測試)
Petrochemical company uses IOtech's ZonicBook to monitor vibrations and analyze problems in high capacity process pumps and turbine generators.
| Petroleum Exploration Applications (油氣勘探中的應用) | - Deep Water Platform Analysis (深水平台分析)
IOtech DaqBooks and WaveBooks collect high-frequency vibration signals from simulations of a floating oil rig's support structure.
| Power Industry Applications (電力行業應用) | - Microturbine Testing (微型測試)
IOtech ZonicBooks were selected over another stand-alone system for microturbine testing because of its ability to measure turbine speed over 60,000 rpm. - Nuclear Pump Bearing Testing (核泵軸承試驗)
EME Associates designed and built a novel simulator for testing nuclear pump bearings and integrated an IOtech ZonicBook in the control panel to record vibrations and shut down the pump motor in the event of excessive temperature, speed, or vibration. - Turbine Generator Balance Testing (汽輪發電機平衡測試)
ZonicBook's adaptability lets vibration consultants balance turbine generators used in all private, commercial, and public utility industries. - Power Quality Testing (電源品質測試)
A power industry supplier develops a compact notebook PC-based power-demand and line-quality monitoring system.
| Quality Control Applications (質量控制應用) | - Refrigerator Testing (冰箱測試)
A refrigerator manufacturer replaces a manual testing system with an integrated control and data acquisition system to improve product reliability.
| Safety Applications (安全應用) | - Fire-Fighting Apparatus Testing (消防設備的測試)
IOtech's DaqBook uses over 100 channels to measure and analyze pressure, speed, flow and temperature on firefighting equipment to ensure that it withstands especially rough handling during emergencies.
| Transportation Applications (運輸應用) | - Forklift Truck Testing (剷車測試)
Data acquisition system records data on forklift truck shakedown tests. - Black Box for Trains (火車上的黑盒子)
IOtech's LogBook helped engineers determine root causes of failures, which has resulted in preventive maintenance schedules that have reduced downtime. - In-Vehicle Brake Testing (車內制動試驗)
Group researches braking behavior when drivers encounter unexpected obstacles. - Bridge Monitoring (橋樑監測)
A civil-engineering consulting firm has developed an easy-to-use, nondestructive solution to accurately determine the support-piling depth of bridges.
| TV Broadcast Applications (電視廣播應用) | - Video Signal Alarm Monitoring (視頻信號警報監控)
A company uses Personal Daq/56 modules and DASYLab® software to look for several types of common video failures, including frozen images, lost video signals, or completely black, green, or blue screens.