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Included Out-of-the-Box Data Acquisition and Display Software for the
LogBook Series
Configure parameters for all input,
output, and calculated channels without using special programming
Provide flexible triggering to acquire
continuous data, capture exceptions or, to trigger based on
calculated channels
Configure and operate expansion chassis,
including the DBK option cards and modules designed for various
signal-conditioning environments
Provide utilities (convert units,
calibrate sensors, calculate channels, control outputs/alarms, etc)
Download an acquisition setup file to a
PC-Card for physical transport to a remote LogBook
Create files for use by other Windows®
Calibrate all gains and offsets on a
per-channel basis
Launch a separate view program that allows
you to graphically view pre-recorded data
Interact with LogBook while the
acquisition is taking place
Display readings and status in real-time
Supported Operating Systems:
Windows 2000®, Windows Vista® x86 (32-bit), Windows XP®